Emotion Efficacy Therapy – Oakland

A Brief ACT-Based Protocol for Clients Who Struggle with Emotions

CE Hours available ( How do I get my CE? )
Aprilia West, PsyD, MT Psychologist & Executive Coach, leading ACT expert, and author
Matthew McKay, PhD Publisher of New Harbinger Publications, and renowned author

About This Workshop

One of the greatest superpowers we can offer clients is the ability to develop powerful relationships with their emotions. How people relate to their emotions day to dayand even more in life-defining momentsdetermines the choices they make, especially in the face of stress and distress. Ultimately these moments of choice become habits and patterns that determine the course of their lives.

Over 75% of clients who seek therapy struggle with low emotion efficacy, tend to have avoidant relationships with their emotions, and often believe they are controlled by them. The cost is high as low emotion efficacy gets in the way of the flexibility, creativity, and freedom people need to create fulfilling, meaningful, and inspired lives.

The emotion efficacy therapy (EET) protocol helps people develop a more powerful and contextually-adaptive relationship with their emotions and gives them the skills to navigate them so they can stay connected to what matters. Blending ACT, DBT, and exposure therapy into an 8-week treatment, EET provides psychoeducation, concrete mindfulness and coping, as well as skills and exposure practice so that clients not only learn what to do differently, but how.. Clinicians and coaches can deliver the EET protocol in a group or individual format.

This workshop is highly experiential. You will practice using emotion efficacy therapy (EET) with feedback and can leave the training competent to use the protocol with clients. Participants can also purchase the EET clinician's guide written by Aprilia West, PsyD, MT, and Matthew McKay, PhD, which includes: psychoeducation handouts and worksheets, therapist scripts, and step- by-step instructions for doing EET in a group or individual format.

What Will Clients Get from EET?

EET will help clients:
  • Increase their Emotion Awareness so they can observe all parts of emotional experience.
  • Practice Mindful Acceptance to surf emotion waves until they resolve or until they can access their values.
  • Identify what matters most and choose Values-Based Action instead of acting on their emotions when they are stressed or distressed.
  • Use Mindful Coping to further downshift to regulate emotions, tolerate distress, or access their values.
  • Practice using all EET skills in an activated state with structured exposure-based skills practice.
Attendees must complete the course in full and attend all sessions in order to receive ANY continuing education credit. No partial credit will be given.

*No hotel room block is available for this workshop.


Saturday, September 21

8:30 am to 9:00 am

  • Check-in (Not available for CE)

9:00 am to 11:00 am

  • Overview of workshop and learning objectives
  • Theoretical and Clinical Foundation of EET
  • Introduction to Emotion Awareness
  • Introduction to Mindful Acceptance
  • Introduction to Emotion Surfing
  • Video: Emotion Surfing

11:00 am to 11:15 am 

  • Morning Break  (Not available for CE)

11:15 am to 12:45 pm 

  • Q&A on Emotion Awareness and Mindful Acceptance
  • Introduction to Values-Based Action
  • Video: Values-Based Action
  • Monsters on the Bus Experiential

12:45 pm to 1:45 pm

  • Lunch Break (Not available for CE)

1:45 pm to 3:30 pm

  • Q&A on Values-Based Action
  • Introduction to Mindful Coping
  • Video: Mindful Coping

3:30 pm to 3:45 pm 

  • Afternoon Break (Not available for CE)

3:45 pm to 5:30 pm

  • Q&A on Mindful Coping
  • Pulling It All Together: Troubleshooting Tips
  • Assessing Outcomes
  • Exposure Demo with Group Coaching

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:
  1. Explain the foundational theoretical and learning theories underlying emotion efficacy therapy.
  2. Describe the role and significance of emotion avoidance, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation in emotion efficacy.
  3. Demonstrate how to teach emotion awareness as way to decrease emotion avoidance.
  4. Demonstrate how to teach mindful acceptance as a way to increase distress tolerance and emotion regulation.
  5. Demonstrate how to teach values-based action as a way to increase mindful acceptance, distress tolerance, and valued living.
  6. Demonstrate how to teach mindful coping as a way to increase emotion regulation and values-based action.
  7. Demonstrate facility in guiding clients in exposure-based skills practice for each EET skill to enhance learning, retention and recall.

Continuing Education

Please review complete CE and conflict-of-interest disclosure information prior to registering. This course is jointly sponsored by Praxis CET and Institute for Better Health (IBH) and is approved for 7 CE Hours by the following:

  • APA – Psychologists
  • ASWB – National Social Workers
  • NBCC – National Counselors
  • NY State – Counselors and Social Workers
  • Other State Level Counselors, MFTs, and Social Workers
  • WESPSB- Educators
  • ACCME – Physicians
  • ANCC – Nurses




For mental health professionals and coaches, beginner to advanced.

Recommended Reading

West, Aprilia, and Matthew McKay. Emotion Efficacy Therapy. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications: 2016.


Hayes, S.C., Strosahl, K.D. & Wilson, K.G. (2012). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Linehan, M.M., Bohus, M., & Lynch, T.R. (2007). Dialectical behavior therapy for pervasive emotion dysregulation. In Gross, J. (Ed.) Handbook of Emotion Regulation. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Craske, M. et al, (2008). Optimizing inhibitory learning during exposure therapy. Behavior research and therapy, 46, 5-27.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

We understand, sometimes things come up!

Praxis will offer a full refund to registrants of both live and live-online trainings who cancel their registration up to 14 days before the course or workshop start date, minus an administrative processing fee of $30 for a 2-day workshop or online course, and a $50 fee for a 4-day workshop. If cancelled within 14 days, no refund will be issued, however, a credit for the same amount will be applied toward another learning product, which expires within 1 year. Please email us at events@praxiscet.zendesk.com to cancel a registration.

Saturday September 21, 2019

Available Discounts

  • Groups of 3 or more professionals receive 20% off at checkout
  • Register before August 10 for a $25 discount.
  • Student registrations are not eligible for ANY discounts
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