High-Speed Treatment of Depression and Anxiety Disorders – Atlanta

A Four-Day TEAM-CBT Advanced Intensive

CE Hours available ( How do I get my CE? )
David Burns, MD Professor and renowned author

About This Workshop

TEAM-CBT is a new, powerful treatment approach that can produce rapid and lasting changes in severe depression and anxiety. If you have ever dreamed of bringing extremely rapid healing to your patients, this is a workshop you won’t want to miss. In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to do your own personal work during the workshop so you can experience greater self-esteem and joy in your professional work and in your personal life as well.

Teaching methods will include lecture, large and small group exercises, dramatic and inspiring video excerpts from actual therapy sessions, and live demonstrations with audience volunteers. You will leave with fresh, new insights and many powerful techniques that will revolutionize your practice.

This intensive training experience is designed to help you become a better therapist. You will receive at least 32 hours of training and personal coaching in the latest psychotherapy techniques. Lectures and demonstrations by a master therapist followed by the opportunity to practice the techniques with your colleagues will leave you with a deeper, richer appreciation of the practice of psychotherapy as well as a variety of tools you’ll be able to apply right away to your work.


TEAM-CBT emerged from process research designed to pinpoint the ingredients of effective psychotherapy, regardless of the school of therapy the clinician is using. TEAM stands for:

T = Testing: You will learn to use brief, accurate assessment scales at the start and end of every therapy session. The information will help you track therapeutic progress as well as the quality of the therapeutic alliance. This information alone, though sometimes shocking, will empower you and your clients and will revolutionize your practice.

E = Empathy: You will learn advanced empathy skills to help you form a warm, trusting relationship with even your most difficult and critical clients—and loved ones as well!

A = Paradoxical Agenda Setting: You will learn to bring client resistance to conscious awareness quickly and melt it away with innovative, powerful techniques such as the Magic Button, Positive Reframing, Acid Test, Magic Dial, and more.

M = Methods: You will learn to use numerous methods drawn from more than a dozen schools of therapy to dissolve the negative thinking patterns that trigger depression and anxiety, including powerful role-playing techniques such as the Externalization of Voices, Acceptance Paradox, Paradoxical Double Standard, Devil’s Advocate, Interpersonal Downward Arrow, Hidden Emotion, and more.

Attendees must complete the course in full and attend all sessions in order to receive ANY continuing education credit. No partial credit will be given.

Prior to registering, please review speaker-planner conflict of interest disclosures and complete CE information.
*A hotel room block is not available for this event.


Monday, November 4

7:30 am to 8:30 am

  • Registration (Not available for CE)

8:30 am to 12:00 noon

  • Introduction to TEAM-CBT
  • Rapid Recovery from Trauma (with 15 minute break)

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm

  • Lunch Break (Not available for CE)

1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

  • Advanced Empathy Training
  • Healing Yourself, Part 1 (with 15 minute break)

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Evening Session: Live Demonstration with Workshop Participant
Tuesday, November 5

8:00 am to 12:00 noon

  • The Five Steps of Paradoxical Agenda Setting (with 15 minute break)

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm 

  • Lunch Break (Not available for CE)

1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

  • How to Reduce Outcome and Process Resistance for Depression, Anxiety, Relationship Conflicts & Habits/Adictions (with 15 minute break)
Wednesday, November 6

8:00 am to 12:00 noon

  • M=Methods, Part 1: Uncovering Techniques (with 15 minute break)

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm 

  • Lunch Break (Not available for CE)

1:00 pm to 4:30 pm

  • M=Methods, Part 2: Externalization of Voices/Acceptance Paradox (with 15 minute break)

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

  • Evening Session: Healing Yourself, Part 2 (Your TEAM Solo Flight)
Thursday, November 7

8:00 am to 12:00 noon

  • M=Methods, Part 3: Habits and Addictions (with 15 minute break)

12:00 noon to 1:00 pm 

  • Lunch Break (Not available for CE)

1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

  • Relapse Prevention Training

Learning Objectives

Participants will be able to:
  1. Utilize session-by-session assessment tools that can dramatically improve your clinical effectiveness.
  2. List several reasons why T = Testing can improve clinical outcomes and reduce suicides.
  3. Use patient criticism and empathy failures to enhance the therapeutic relationship.
  4. Learn how to put the lie to patient criticisms by finding the truth in them.
  5. List the Five Secrets of Effective Communication.
  6. Describe at least one common therapeutic error with each of the Five Secrets.
  7. Discuss how the TEAM-CBT approach can trigger extraordinarily rapid, complete, and lasting recovery from depression and anxiety.
  8. Utilize the Acceptance Paradox to trigger profound change in your patients and in yourself.
  9. Explain how to challenge negative thoughts and feelings with cutting-edge Cognitive Therapy techniques.
  10. Pinpoint and modify deeply held schemas and beliefs.
  11. Explain the difference between the Individual and Interpersonal Downward Arrow.
  12. Describe how to uncover hidden emotions that trigger anxiety disorders.
  13. Demonstrate the use of at least five fast-acting psychotherapy techniques.
  14. Explain the difference between the Self-Defense Paradigm and the Acceptance Paradox.
  15. Explain how to use the Daily Mood Log to do effective relapse prevention.
  16. List the five steps in the Daily Mood Log.
  17. Explain the most common reason for therapeutic failure.
  18. Explain the difference between Outcome and Process Resistance.
  19. List the four most common reasons for Outcome Resistance for depression, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, and habits and addictions, respectively.
  20. List the four most common reasons for Process Resistance for depression, anxiety disorders, relationship problems, and habits and addictions, respectively.
  21. Explain the Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for emotional change.
  22. List several techniques that can reduce Outcome Resistance.
  23. List several techniques that can reduce Process Resistance.
  24. Demonstrate how the Externalization of Voices works.

Continuing Education

Please review complete CE and conflict-of-interest disclosure information prior to registering. This course is jointly sponsored by Praxis CET and Institute for Better Health (IBH) and is approved for 32 CE Hours by the following:

  • APA – Psychologists
  • ASWB – National Social Workers
  • NBCC – National Counselors
  • NAADAC – Drug & Alcohol Counselors
  • NY State – Counselors and Social Workers
  • Other State Level Counselors, MFTs, and Social Workers
  • ACCME – Physicians
  • ANCC – Nurses
  • WESPSB- Educators




This workshop is for mental health professionals (beginners through advanced) as well as mental health graduate students.

Recommended Reading

  • Burns, D. D., & Burns, S. (2005). Tools, Not Schools, of Therapy. Los Altos Hills, Ca: Author.
  • Burns, D. (1999). The Feeling Good Handbook. Plume.


  • Burns, D., Westra, H., Trockel, M., & Fisher, A. (2012). Motivation and Changes in Depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research DOI 10.1007/s10608-012-9458-3. Published online 22 April 2012.
  • Burns, D. D. (1995; 1997 / 2018). Therapist’s Toolkit: Comprehensive Treatment and Assessment Tools for the Mental Health Professional. Los Altos Hills, Ca: Author.
  • Burns, D. D., & Burns, S. (2005). Tools, Not Schools, of Therapy. Los Altos Hills, Ca: Author.
  • Burns, D. D. (2013). Living with the devil we know. Psychotherapy Networker, 37(1): 28 – 35, 56.
  • Burns, D. D. (2017). When helping doesn’t help. Psychotherapy Networker, 41(2): 18 – 27, 60.: https://www.psychotherapynetworker.org/blog/details/1160/when-helping-doesnt-help.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

We understand, sometimes things come up!

Praxis will offer a full refund to registrants of both live and live-online trainings who cancel their registration up to 14 days before the course or workshop start date, minus an administrative processing fee of $30 for a 2-day workshop or online course, and a $50 fee for a 4-day workshop. If cancelled within 14 days, no refund will be issued, however, a credit for the same amount will be applied toward another learning product, which expires within 1 year. Please email us at events@praxiscet.zendesk.com to cancel a registration.

November 4–7, 2019
Mon: 8:30 am - 8:30 pm
Tues: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Weds: 8:00 am - 8:30 pm
Thurs: 8:00 am - 3:30 pm

Available Discounts

  • Groups of 3 or more professionals receive 20% off at checkout
  • Register before Sept. 23 for a $100 discount.
  • Student registrations are not eligible for ANY discounts
Discounted price appears in cart.