Focused ACT
for Brief Interventions

Learn FACT
An introduction to focused acceptance and commitment therapy through 6 content-packed modules of video instruction, clinical role plays, practical exercises and tools, therapy scripts, and more.
Lifetime Access
Course enrollment comes with lifetime access to all course materials, plus you’ll be protected by a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee.
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For group purchases email courses@praxiscet.com. Group discounts are available for 5+ registrations.
Catalyze transformational change from the first appointment
How to make the most of every minute and get better outcomes in less time with focused acceptance and commitment therapy
A letter from Dr. Patti Robinson and Dr. Kirk Strosahl
Every time a new client walks in, a timer starts ticking.
It counts down not just to the end of the session, but to the moment when the client will conclude therapy — whether it’s months from now or at the end of this very visit.
Because you can’t know when that moment will be, you might feel like you’re running out of time to turn this person’s life around before you even know anything about them.
And you wouldn’t be wrong.
If you’re like a lot of practitioners who use acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), the visit might go something like this:
After your introductions, the client’s problems spin out one after another: crippling anxiety, chronic pain, substance abuse, among other things. You do your best to stay present while simultaneously trying to ask the right questions, assess the case, and think of an effective exercise.
An opportunity to target acceptance arises, but you don’t know how to interrupt their story or introduce the concept without seeming dismissive.
So you let them talk. And that timer keeps on ticking.
The session ends before you get to an intervention. All you can do is hope the client comes back.

Why “Next Session”
Isn’t Soon Enough
Most mental health clinicians have had countless first visits like the one described above, especially if they work in environments where short sessions are the norm.
They spend all their time doing the intake, trying to conceptualize the case, and building rapport, while the real work gets pushed to another visit.
This is true even for those practicing ACT — a method that, in comparison with traditional methodologies, lends itself to brevity.
Since ACT doesn’t subscribe to syndrome-based protocols, it doesn’t require lengthy, ten-plus-session treatment sequences.
And, because it’s based on psychological flexibility rather than medicalized diagnoses, you can conceptualize a case quickly and intervene right away.
At least, in theory.
The Challenge of Applying ACT as A Brief Therapy
ACT is a fairly complex method. It’s full of abstract concepts and is relatively unstructured.
Without strategies for organizing its application, it can be difficult to use in the moment — particularly when time is short, or when you’re on your sixth client of the day and feeling drained.
For that reason, it’s common for practitioners to spend several sessions on case assessment before they even get to an intervention.
However, this approach has one major flaw:
Most people don’t stay in therapy that long.
For one reason or another, most clients don’t return after the first visit. Of those who do, the vast majority end therapy by the fifth session, often without consulting the clinician.
We know, at least, that some people benefit just from the act of booking the initial appointment.
But, functionally speaking, if clients leave without tools for handling life’s challenges more adaptively, they’re no better off than when they came in.

The Power of A
Swift Approach
Contrary to popular opinion, change is not a linear process.
Clients don’t become incrementally better with each subsequent visit ad infinitum over time.
Instead, improvement often jumps up quickly in the first few sessions and levels off early (typically by session eight).

Instead of rising steadily over time,
progress often jumps up quickly and levels off early.
So, even if we could get clients to keep coming back, that wouldn’t guarantee better results.
In fact, we have data showing that clients who receive brief treatments experience relatively high rates of rapid change when compared with those in longer therapy!
Since rapid response is linked to long-term success and decreased risk of relapse, this brings us to an exciting conclusion:
We can achieve better outcomes
specifically by condensing treatment.
One or two sessions is not only enough to transform someone’s life, but actually more likely to succeed in the long run than when treatment is drawn out over dozens of visits.
The implications this has, in terms of our capacity for helping more people and supporting our communities more effectively, are nothing short of inspiring.

How to Turn Limited Time Into
A Golden Opportunity
Now, we’re still left with the practical challenge of distilling the core ACT elements down into a short amount of time.
While quick, transformational change is not rare, it doesn’t happen on its own. You need to have a plan.
Brief interventions aren’t about trying to fit more things into a smaller window, or haphazardly careening toward any intervention. They’re about making sure everything you bring to the table is purposeful and targeted. That way, you can stop wasting time and start investing it in your client’s success.
As it turns out, narrowing our scope is central to effective therapy in general.
For that reason, limited time can actually be a blessing in disguise, if you use it wisely.
To help you do that, here are a few key strategies for focusing your work and using time to your advantage:

Engaging clients in a quicker timeline can be a self-fulfilling prophecy
Invite clients to improve quickly
Clients often come to us discouraged, with preconceived notions about whether or not they can get better and how long it is likely to take. These are part of a system of rules instilled in them by language, culture, and emotional avoidance.
If in the very first session, we tell them that rehabilitation is likely to take months or years of therapy, we confirm ideas that feed demoralization and even encourage clients to unknowingly comply with that timeline. This is not unheard of in the mental health world. After all, we’re the experts! If we say something will take a long time, then it must be true.
No wonder so many people opt for medication and numbness rather than facing what they believe will be a years-long struggle toward recovery.
In taking the opposite approach and suggesting that they can get better quickly, even in just a session or two, we’re reframing their understanding of the situation. By suggesting a limited scope of therapy from the start and using change-oriented language in our conversation, we can help clients open up to the possibility of rapid change.
Taking this approach can not only help clients be more engaged in the work, but can be a self-fulfilling prophecy for many people.
Focus on one problem at a time
No matter how much time or how many sessions you might have with a client, it’s important in any scenario to tackle one problem at a time.
When problems are compounded, that’s often when people begin to feel stuck. They come to us because they don’t know where to start and get overwhelmed. We don’t want to replicate this issue by trying to deal with everything at once.
Focusing on one problem is also key to creating a manageable intervention and helping the client build momentum. Once they see something — anything — changing in their life, they will gain confidence in their ability to break patterns that previously felt impossible to disrupt.
Problems are also more interconnected than people think. Depression, alcoholism, and social isolation might seem like three distinct problems, but they all have the same root cause: avoidance. If we can identify and target that core avoidance agenda, progress in one particular area will inevitably lead to improvement in others, like a row of dominoes falling.
Because of this, we tell clinicians to end the session once they’ve agreed on a promising “homework” assignment with the client, even if they have time left on the clock. Anything beyond that point is bound to bring up additional issues and interfere with the momentum you built.

By zeroing in on one problem at a time, we can help clients build momentum

Small behavior changes are more achievable and pave the way for transformation
Remember that small changes have big impacts
Change is the goal of all therapy, but many clinicians think that change needs to be monumental right away to make a difference. This can lead to complicated interventions that set clients up for failure.
Even the simplest homework assignment can involve hundreds of tiny steps, many of which will go against clients’ internal rule systems and create discomfort. Keeping interventions simple helps ensure that clients are likely to do them at all.
For example, a client who abuses alcohol has already tried to simply stop drinking. But they might not have connected that behavior to a pattern of mindlessness in their everyday life. Encouraging them to go on a walk in the afternoon when they typically start drinking may seem almost insignificant in the face of the challenge, but taking that step will very likely result in less drinking. This paves the way for bigger and bigger changes down the track.
Small changes also have a way of bleeding into other aspects of life. Behavioral variability creates opportunity. Encouraging the same client to go on afternoon walks instead of cracking open a beer in front of the TV might lead to a new friendship with a neighbor, or could create an opening for their partner to join them and reconnect. In either case, these new opportunities have the potential to fuel the client’s values.
We call this the principle of serendipity, and all it takes to set it off is a very small initial change. Even if you only have one session, it’s more than enough time to catalyze that kind of change if you focus on the right intervention.
You don’t need to bring every possible tool or strategy into sessions with you — just the right ones. In fact, trying to remember too many metaphors or interventions can cause clinicians to freeze up.
In short sessions particularly, it simply isn’t possible to work effectively without streamlining your approach.
Instead of trying to pick from dozens of metaphors in the moment, memorize 10 to 15 that fit with your style. Learn just one strategic way to say things instead of fumbling through all possible iterations in your head. Pick a handful of interventions that you do really well, and work on doing them even better. Far from losing efficacy, having a tighter group of tools gives you the opportunity to fine-tune them so they have more impact.
And finally, have a standardized set of steps to help you navigate sessions in a more organized way. Part of the reason why clinicians love ACT is that it lets you bring creativity to therapy. Having a specific plan doesn’t remove that; it just helps you get a result more quickly and reliably.
In addition to making you more effective, simplifying things in this way will also help you build a better rapport with clients. Instead of trying to create the flow of each session from scratch, you’ll have more space to be self-reflective and present.

Streamlining allows you to fine-tune your approach and avoid freezing up
As you can see, the trick to unlocking the power of brief interventions is bringing the right tools and a system you can use over and over again to achieve incredible results with your clients.
We came to this realization ourselves after decades of using ACT in brief interventions.
We know ACT can be extremely effective in a brief setting. Many practitioners have seen clients beat severe depression, quit their medication, stop drinking, or otherwise change the trajectory of their entire life in just a few visits.
But to bring these about more consistently, we need a strategy for application.

Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
A System for Doing More with Less
Using our expertise in both brief interventions and ACT, we created a simplified approach to help clinicians use the model and principles more efficiently while also practicing the strategies discussed above.
As part of that philosophy, we streamlined the psychological flexibility model. Instead of the six core processes of the ACT “hexaflex” model, we use three core response styles — also known as pillars of flexibility — for easier use on the fly. We then created support tools and guidelines designed to help clinicians create quick positive improvements within those pillars.

We streamlined the six core psychological flexibility processes into three pillars for easier use on the fly
We also created a protocol for the critical first session, to help clinicians quickly gather important information, assess the case, and move on to planning an intervention and a behavioral experiment (or homework).
We zeroed in on how to make a bigger impact with fewer words by using metaphor and strategic phrasing to combat language-based rule making.
And we gathered tools to help simplify case conceptualization, organize interventions, and make complicated concepts more tangible and manageable in a brief session.
In other words: we distilled ACT principles down in such a way that nothing was lost — including the ability to work effectively with complex cases — but efficiency and clarity were gained.
We called this approach “focused acceptance and commitment therapy,” or FACT.
Learning This Approach
Evidence for the impact of brief ACT interventions has been steadily accumulating over the years.
It is becoming clear that the approach works with a wide range of problems related to both medical and mental health.
And because of growing demand for brief intervention models with evidence to support them, we’ve trained people all over the world in FACT, and in how to become more efficient at creating the right environment for change when time is seriously limited.
To make this training accessible to more clinicians, or anyone who wants to make a difference in a small amount of time, we created this self-paced online course.
Inside the course, we will teach you concrete tools and strategies for applying FACT to bring about monumental change in as little as one session.
This approach has been implemented in various mental health systems all around the world to great success. And now, we’re excited to share it with you.
About the Trainers
Dr. Kirk Strosahl and Dr. Patti Robinson are world-renowned ACT experts who contributed to the original model’s development (Dr. Strosahl is a co-founder of the method, along with Steven C. Hayes and Kelly Wilson). Together, they co-founded FACT to make the principles of psychological flexibility more impactful in brief intervention settings.
In addition to providing training and consultation across the globe, they have authored some of the most influential books in the ACT community, including Brief Interventions for Radical Change: Principles and Practice of Focused Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Real Behavior Change in Primary Care: Improving Outcomes and Increasing Job Satisfaction, and Inside This Moment: A Clinician’s Guide to Promoting Radical Change in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
They teach FACT to mental health practitioners and healthcare professionals all over the world and have been instrumental in improving mass-scale mental health systems in places like Sweden and New Zealand.

Focused ACT for Brief Interventions

Learn how to apply focused acceptance and commitment therapy from Dr. Kirk Strosahl and Dr. Patti Robinson, founders of the method and world-renowned ACT experts.
In 6 content-packed modules, you’ll learn the FACT session structure as well as strategies for building psychological flexibility and catalyzing transformational change in a client’s very first appointment. The trainers will guide you through insightful video instruction and a series of clinical role plays, and you’ll perform practical exercises to help you personalize and apply what you’ve learned.
After completing the course, you’ll have a set of concrete steps and tools to help you organize sessions efficiently, create impactful interventions, and make a difference with any client in a short amount of time.
Course Format
Focused ACT in Brief Interventions is an on-demand online course.
The 6 modules will be released on a weekly schedule, and you can complete the material any time throughout the week, as your schedule permits. Since you will have lifetime access to all course content, you’re also welcome to work through the modules more gradually or revisit them at any time in the future.
The course combines pre-recorded video instruction, written materials, practical exercises, and teletherapy role-play sessions that demonstrate how to use what you’ve learned.
Course content and materials are in English, and all videos will include subtitle options in English and Spanish.
This is the first time FACT has been offered in a comprehensive course with specific steps designed to lead you to the right place at the right time with clients.
And the tools and skills you’ll gain in the course will help you identify the dimensions of a person’s psychological flexibility and pinpoint the most powerful intervention for that moment in time, all in a matter of minutes.
Course Structure
Because the first session is so important in FACT, the first 3 course modules teach you a protocol for structuring the initial visit more effectively, and provide a meticulous breakdown of each step and how to execute it for the greatest benefit.
In Module 4, you’ll begin learning the flow of follow-up sessions. This will include how to respond productively to noncompliance (instead of seeing it as a failure) and cultivating qualities that make effective FACT therapists.
Module 5 will focus on metaphors and how to use them to drive change in therapy. You’ll also gain two powerful metaphor-based tools that you can use to fuel values-consistent action.
You’ll end the course in Module 6, with guidance on how to effectively approach complex clients without letting it derail therapy, and tips for boosting your own resilience as a therapist and preventing burnout.
Along the way, you’ll see these concepts demonstrated across multiple role-play sessions with 3 different clients and will build a handbook of personalized scripts, tools, and exercises to use directly in sessions.
Throughout the course, you’ll gain skills and strategies that will help you:
- Structure ACT work effectively with a set of concrete steps and tools that help you make the most of each session and create behavioral experiments clients will actually do
- Complete psychosocial assessments in just 10 minutes, and wrap up first sessions feeling confident that clients have the tools they need to start transforming their lives
- Guide more productive conversations that shift clients away from talking about problems and into a place where they’re open to finding new solutions
- Approach complex cases with confidence, knowing you have an effective yet simple strategy to improve clients’ overall psychological flexibility
- Routinely conclude therapy in half the time, often with better results, so you can help even more people
Module 1: The Contextual Interview
- Get acquainted with the FACT model and theory, including the causes of suffering and the three pillars of psychological flexibility
- Review the 8 steps of every initial session
- Watch a role play and a debriefing video focused on the initial visit’s first 5 steps (also known as the contextual interview)
- Learn about the characteristics of an effective contextual interview and create a personalized script to use in your own sessions
Module 2: Case Conceptualization
- Gain a checklist that can help ensure you have all the information you need to conceptualize the case in a matter of minutes
- Build your toolkit with the Four Square Tool and Pillars Assessment Tool and see them used in a case
- Perform a case conceptualization for a role-play session with a new client
- Learn how to reach agreement on a new perspective of the client’s “problem” — one that generates hope and motivation to change
- Review strategies for giving the client behavior change options that allow them to take ownership of the change process
Module 3: Intervention
- Learn about the 7th step of the initial session, which can include in-session exercises and always includes making a behavior experiment (homework) with the client, and see it implemented in role plays
- Take a deep dive into the three pillars, with a role-play session to illustrate each
- Acquire the Pillars Intervention Guide: a tool to help you choose an effective exercise based on a client’s psychological flexibility
- Review the 8th and final step of the initial session, where you gauge the likelihood that a client will follow through with the plan and measure your effectiveness
- How to increase the chances that a client will complete the homework
Module 4: Follow-up Sessions
- Learn the flow of a FACT follow-up session, and how it differs from an initial visit
- See two follow-up visits, including an example of a case that has become more complex since the initial session
- How to respond productively when a client doesn’t follow through with the plan
- Discuss the skills, mindsets, and demeanor that will make you an effective FACT therapist
Module 5: Metaphors
- Understand how metaphors can neutralize ineffective mental rules, and learn how to use them effectively in session
- How to apply two physical metaphors to help clients clarify their values and commit to new behaviors
- See the Bull’s-eye and Life Path tools used with two different clients
Module 6: Complex Cases
- Define different types of complex cases and guidelines for approaching them effectively
- How to address suicidal ideation (or any complexity) without letting it derail the session
- Identify the signs of therapist burnout, and learn strategies for boosting your resilience
- Learn how to conclude work with a client in a way that keeps them on track toward a better life
Course Sample
The sessions and video instruction in this course were filmed remotely using the most up-to-date recording equipment. This allowed us to produce a training experience of the highest visual and audio quality, which you can sample in the excerpt below.
In this video, Dr. Strosahl focuses on a challenge many practitioners face: what to do when a client returns for a follow-up session and hasn’t done their homework.
Supplemental Materials
In addition to the 6 core modules, this course also includes supplementary learning materials to reinforce what you’ve learned and help you get even more from it.

Learn how to adapt FACT to the developmental needs of young people
Bonus #1: Using FACT with Children and Adolescents (Recorded Webinar)
Because it’s based on the concept of psychological flexibility, FACT is useful in helping clients of all ages meet life’s obstacles. However, unique considerations must be made in order to work effectively with young populations.
In this video recording of a live webinar, Dr. Robinson and Dr. Strosahl provide guidance in how to adapt standard FACT tools and protocols to best meet the developmental needs of children and teens and help them navigate challenges.
Bonus #2: A FACT Approach to Challenging Moments in Therapy (Recorded Webinar)
Brief therapy formats can make it feel even more daunting when you’re met with client resistance. In FACT, clinicians are encouraged to approach this problem creatively by rethinking resistance and conceptualizing it in more descriptive terms, such as low motivation, low confidence in the idea of change, and simply being stuck in a story of failure.
In this recorded webinar, the trainers invite you to take a playful, positive, and hopeful stance with clients who have trouble buying into the work or seem to benefit little from your service so you can work with them respectfully and productively.

A different approach to helping clients build willingness
Upon completion of the core course content and supplemental materials, plus evaluations and post-test as required, participants will also be eligible for 16 CE hours approved for the following professionals:
Substance Abuse Counselors
Social Workers
Prior to registering, please review complete CE information by clicking here: CE Details
Enroll in Focused ACT for Brief Interventions
When you enroll in the course, you get lifetime access to all course materials.
What’s included:
- 6 content-packed modules
- 11 hours of video instruction, including role-play sessions demonstrating core concepts and strategies from the course
- Numerous exercises to fortify what you’ve learned and help you develop a handbook with personalized scripts and strategies that fit with your style
- Written course materials
- Video subtitle options in English and Spanish
- Lifetime access to all course content
- Bonus #1: Using FACT with Children and Adolescents (Recorded Webinar)
- Bonus #2: A FACT Approach to Challenging Moments in Therapy (Recorded Webinar)
To join, select one of the following options:
A one-time payment of
$499 (USD)
6 monthly payments of
$99 (USD)
For group purchases email courses@praxiscet.com. Group discounts are available for 5+ registrations.

14-Day Money-Back Guarantee
In order to make course enrollment risk-free, all enrollees will be fully covered by a 14-day refund policy:
If you decide for any reason the course isn’t right for you, email our support team at courses@praxiscet.com within 14 days of enrolling, and we will be happy to refund your entire course fee, unconditionally.

What Course Members
are Saying

“This course was extremely helpful, and each module gave me tools I could immediately apply to my work with clients. Kirk and Patti cover not only technical aspects of FACT but also they model and teach a way of being with people that is so accepting and open. I am learning to apply FACT principles of open, aware, and engaged to my own life, which allows me to bring so much more to the counseling process. I have copious notes that I will return to over and over again!”
- Maryam K., MA, LPCC
“I was surprised by how helpful this virtual, on-demand course was. I work in a fast-paced clinic where I can only see patients every month or two. This class has allowed me to get more done in each appointment. My patients are coming out of appointments enlivened and optimistic, seeing their problems differently, expanding their behaviors into areas of their lives that have been dormant, and actually getting better. Accordingly, I am not feeling burned out. It's a win-win.”
- Jeffery C., LCSW

“FACT training is an excellent tool to tighten up my practice process. I really enjoyed the course and found my practice taking on a more organized and successful direction.”
- Irene C., Clinical Counsellor and Clinical Supervisor
“This is a great course to learn ACT as a brief intervention. I highly recommend it! Perfect for professionals working in primary care. After this course, you will have a step-by-step and flexible approach for working with ACT with limited time and sessions.”
- Jan S., Mental Health Consultant

“I highly recommend this course! Especially for psychotherapists who want to increase their flexibility and become more brief and experiential in their work. It also shows how to take care of your well-being, particularly in the context of helping clients who struggle with more complex problems. It's been my second course with Patti and Kirk so far - both very helpful and inspiring.”
- Katarzyna B., Psychotherapist

Questions and Answers
Q. Do you offer group rates?
Yes! We provide a discount for groups through our Group License.
This license allows you to purchase as many memberships as you need through one transaction and gives each individual access to their own account and the ability to earn CEs. It’s designed for groups in which each person should have their own login with the ability to go through the entire course on their own. There’s a 10% discount off the total price for 5–9 accounts and a 20% discount off the total price for 10+ logins.
Our Group License also allows you to purchase access to a course in advance.
This means that if you would like your current clinicians to get started on a course but know there will be a few more individuals added to your team in the near future, you could purchase all the memberships you need now and once the new clinicians are ready to get started, you can simply send us their names and email addresses and we will get them enrolled.
To purchase a group license and take advantage of group rates, email us at: courses@praxiscet.com (Group rates cannot be purchased using the standard checkout on this page.)
I don’t typically do brief therapy. Can I still benefit from this course?
Absolutely. While the trainers originally created FACT specifically for fast-paced primary care settings, in which they’ve both worked extensively, it can help mental health practitioners in any environment apply ACT more effectively.
Whether you have 15 minutes or 50, FACT will help you make the most of your sessions so you aren’t wasting precious time or, alternatively, trying to “fill it up” without a real plan. The steps and tools you will learn in the course will be just as powerful if you generally have more time available with clients, and will help you structure sessions effectively, assess a case quickly, and get to an intervention in less time.
Are there prerequisites for this course?
This course is an introduction to focused acceptance and commitment therapy. Because it does not delve deeply into the theory behind ACT, you will need at least a basic understanding of ACT principles. We recommend that participants read at least one book on ACT (or FACT) beforehand.
If you do not already have this background and want a more solid foundation, you can learn the basics in an introductory training like ACT Basics or take a deeper dive into the model with ACT Immersion, and then start this course when you’re ready.
How soon will I be able to use FACT with my clients?
In the very first week, you will receive tools that you can use in sessions. Because it is self-paced, the course duration as a whole will depend in part on you, but once you’ve completed the material (in as little as 6 weeks), you will have the strong foundation needed to implement FACT with clients. And, as you continue practicing the approach, you will quickly see yourself improve.
What type of clients can benefit from FACT?
Like ACT, FACT is a transdiagnostic model, so it can help a wide variety of people exhibiting a wide range of problems. The strategies for assessment and intervention that you will learn will help you promote psychological flexibility and behavioral variability, which will help with virtually any issue, from depression and anxiety to substance abuse and managing medical concerns.
This approach can be particularly helpful in complex cases, as it helps you simplify conceptualization and create an intervention even if you only have a short amount of time.
Will this course help me work with complex cases?
Yes, it will. FACT can be particularly helpful with complex cases because it helps you zero in on the underlying issue that might be the “prime source” for a host of seemingly different problems. It also provides strategies for helping clients open up to the possibility of change and for finding an intervention that will help them build momentum in their life. There is also specific focus in the course on how to approach complexity using the FACT structure, so you can meet it with more confidence whenever and wherever it shows up.
I’m not a psychologist. Can I take this course?
If you understand the basics of ACT and your work involves helping people live better and more meaningful lives, this course will absolutely help you accomplish that.
The trainers designed FACT to be simple and easily applicable for therapists as well as those outside the field of psychology, including doctors, nurses, teachers, and others who work in development-oriented settings. The course is designed from a therapist’s perspective, but the training focuses on producing behavior change in a short amount of time, so it will be relevant and beneficial in any situation where that is the goal.
I’m not new to FACT. Would this course be useful to me?
Because this is an introductory course, it’s likely that some of the information will overlap with your existing knowledge. However, this course includes a series of never-before-seen role plays designed specifically to drive home important concepts, and it will also feature two recorded webinars with Dr. Robinson and Dr. Strosahl. The trainers (who founded the FACT approach) have said that this is the most accessible and comprehensive FACT training available, so it can absolutely help you fortify what you’ve already learned and become more confident and effective in applying it.
If you’re unsure about the level, you can always try it out for yourself. If you find it’s not for you, you can email us at courses@praxiscet.com within 14 days of joining for a full, unconditional refund.
Will course videos have subtitles?
All video content will have subtitles available in English and Spanish (and you may also slow down or speed up video playback if you wish). Additional language options will be considered seriously in the future, depending on interest.
Will the course be available in other languages?
All course content and materials are in English, but to help make the training accessible to our international community, subtitles in Spanish and English will be available for the video content, including the role plays. (You can also slow down, or speed up, the video playback if you wish.)
How much time will I need to dedicate to this course?
The 6 modules will be released weekly, and you can expect to spend approximately 2 to 2.5 hours watching video instruction and role plays and doing exercises per module. The duration of the course as a whole will depend in part on you, since it’s self-paced. The modules are released at a weekly interval to give you time to absorb the material before moving on. You can keep pace with the weekly schedule, or move through at a slower pace, if that suits your needs better. Enrollment includes lifetime access to all materials, so there’s no need to rush.
How long will I have access to the course?
Enrollment in Focused ACT for Brief Interventions includes lifetime access to all course materials, so you can work through the modules at your own pace and revisit videos and exercises at any time in the future. You’ll also have access to any future updates made to the course.
I’m in the middle of another training; can I join now and start this course once I’m finished?
Yes! Since enrollment includes lifetime access to all course materials, you can enroll in the course now and get started whenever it’s convenient for you. The course is entirely self-paced, so you can move through the modules on your own schedule and revisit videos and exercises at any time in the future. You’ll also have access to any updates made to the course.
Is this course eligible for CE credit hours?
Upon completion of the core course content and supplemental materials, plus evaluations as required, participants will be eligible for 16 CE hours, approved for the following professionals:
Substance Abuse Counselors
Social Workers
Prior to registering, please review complete CE information by clicking here: CE Details
Do you offer scholarships?
We have a limited reduced-fee program to help make this training accessible to those who would otherwise be unable to enroll, with priority given to practitioners in countries with developing economies and those who are facing financial hardship. To learn more about this program, please email us at courses@praxiscet.com.

Who should consider this course?
Focused ACT for Brief Interventions can help you do better work in less time if…
- You’re dedicated to helping others live better, more meaningful lives — and believe that even a few minutes can make a big difference
- You have at least some background in ACT and want simple tools and strategies for using it effectively with clients
- You want to use all of your available time with clients strategically and create opportunities for rapid change
- You’re new to FACT and want to fortify and expand on what you already know so you can apply it more confidently
- You want to help more people across your practice while also feeling more fulfilled and less drained as a therapist
If any of the above points resonate with you, this course can help you meet your goals.
Enroll in Focused ACT for Brief Interventions
When you enroll in the course, you get lifetime access to all course materials.
What’s included:
- 6 content-packed modules
- 11 hours of video instruction, including role-play sessions demonstrating core concepts and strategies from the course
- Numerous exercises to fortify what you’ve learned and help you develop a handbook with personalized scripts and strategies that fit with your style
- Written course materials
- Video subtitle options in English and Spanish
- Lifetime access to all course content
- Bonus #1: Using FACT with Children and Adolescents (Recorded Webinar)
- Bonus #2: A FACT Approach to Challenging Moments in Therapy (Recorded Webinar)
To join, select one of the following options:
A one-time payment of
$499 (USD)
6 monthly payments of
$99 (USD)
For group purchases email courses@praxiscet.com. Group discounts are available for 5+ registrations.

Closing Thoughts from the Trainers
Over the course of our time practicing ACT and brief interventions (a combined 6 decades), we’ve both seen outcomes that can only be called miraculous.
People you meet for one visit and don’t hear from for years sometimes come back and tell you what a huge difference those 30 minutes made in their lives.
They were able to trade smoking for seeing their grandchildren grow, or open up to intimacy despite a traumatic past, or get their life back on track after years lost to alcohol abuse.
Change often isn’t a gradual tectonic shift; it’s a bolt of lightning.
We can’t wait months or years for transformation to come around. In fact, the longer we wait, the less likely it is to ever happen.
We need to create the possibility for deep, profound, life-altering change to occur today.
That potential is there, in every session. We’ve seen without a doubt that this is true.
People don’t want years of therapy. They want to wake up to their lives as soon as possible.
And if we approach each visit with a simple yet effective plan for creating dynamic change, we can make sparks fly.
That is the work FACT can help you do.
We hope you’ll join us inside the course to learn how.