Daniel P. Johnson

Dan Johnson

Daniel (Dan) Johnson is a licensed clinical psychologist in Massachusetts. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Colorado, Boulder, completed his predoctoral internship at McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School, and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at the VA Boston Healthcare System/Harvard Medical School. 

Dan has previously worked as a staff psychologist at Massachusetts General Hospital’s outpatient substance use disorders (SUDs) clinic and as the Director of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Program at Boston Child Study Center. He is now in private practice, providing evidence-based therapy to adults and offering training to mental health professionals and organizations. Dan has trained clinicians internationally on evidence-based treatments, with a focus on mindfulness and acceptance-based behavioral therapies (ACT, DBT, CBT) and he has been designated by the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science as a Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer.

As adjunct faculty at William James College, Dan teaches courses to psychology graduate students on ACT and evidence-based treatments for SUDs. He is also the Education and Facilitation Lead at Tend Health, Inc., an organization that provides behavioral health and training tailored to the needs of healthcare professionals. 

Mindfulness and valued living are essential components of Dan’s life outside of work, including in his roles as a practitioner of Buddhism, a person in long-term recovery, a White-bodied person working toward racial justice for all, and as a loving husband and father.

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