Manuela O’Connell earned her Psychology degree at Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a peer-reviewed ACT trainer and Fellow for Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. She is also a Certified Mindfulness Teacher (MMTCP — Two Year program through U.C. Berkley’s Greater Good Science Center with Dr. Jack Kornfield/Dr. Tara Brach — Accredited by Manuela is also a Professor at Universidad Favaloro and a trainer of ACT and mindfulness in different countries in South America. Author of Una Vida valiosa and ACT book for general public and collaborator in The heart of ACT. Finally, Manuela is co-author of The ACT Workbook for Anger: Manage Emotions and Take Back Your Life with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
Lic. Manuela O’Connell