Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, PhD, BCBA-D

Ruth Anne Rehfeldt, PhD, BCBA, is a Professor in the Rehabilitation Services undergraduate program at Southern Illinois University and an affiliated faculty in the Behavior Analysis and Therapy program. She holds a Ph.D. (1998) and MA (1995) from the Behavior Analysis Program (in Psychology) at the University of Nevada, and a BA (1993) in psychology from the University of Puget Sound. She is also a Board Certified Behavior Analyst at the doctoral level. Dr. Rehfeldt has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in research methods, behavioral assessment, principles of behavior, introduction to behavior analysis, verbal behavior, and radical behaviorism. Dr. Rehfeldt has authored nearly 100 articles and book chapters, primarily in the areas of derived stimulus relations and verbal behavior. Dr. Rehfeldt has served as the editor of The Psychological Record for 12 years and has been an editorial board member for a number of behavior analytic journals over the years.

She has co-edited one textbook with Yvonne Barnes-Holmes, entitled Derived Relational Responding: Applications for Learners with Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities: A Progressive Guide to Change, and is currently co-editing a textbook tentatively entitled, Applied Behavior Analysis of Language and Cognition, with Mitch Fryling, Jonathan Tarbox, and Linda Hayes.

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